Welcome to WIMSE. The Women in Math, Science and Engineering program is a living-learning community housed in Cawthon Hall at FSU. LLCs are a select group of first-year students who are majoring in a STEM discipline, are housed together in a campus residence hall, and take one or more of their classes together. A special colloquium class focused on academic and career development in a STEM field is reserved just for LLC members. Students also participate in social and educational activities related to their interests.
The foundation of the WIMSE LLC is the WIMSE Colloquium for first-year students, a one credit hour course taken during the fall and spring semesters of freshman year. It is held once a week for 90 minutes, conveniently located on the first floor of Cawthon Hall. The WIMSE director and graduate student program coordinator lead members in academic and professional development activities for STEM majors.
The highlight of each semester is the opportunity to visit FSU research laboratories, across the spectrum of STEM fields. These lab visits connect first-year students with faculty and provide the opportunity to explore STEM research opportunities at FSU. The overall goals of the colloquium are to help students build academic, professional and interpersonal skills, all of which will aid them in progressing through a successful major and ultimately a career in STEM.
Class topics include: resume building, professional networking, professional dress, panels of WIMSE graduates in STEM careers and graduate degree programs, stress and time management, study skills and group projects.
Beyond the first year, LLC participants are invited to remain in the WIMSE Society, the program's undergraduate organization, which facilitates its own social, service, and research opportunities for members from the moment they enter campus through their graduation from FSU. WIMSE-exclusive programming includes the Research Experience Program (REP), where students work directly alongside award-winning FSU faculty and researchers from across the spectrum of STEM fields, as well as fun events that help members create friendships and memories to last a lifetime.